New Research: CyberUp response to the UK National Cyber Strategy 2022

Following the publishing of the long-awaited National Cyber Security Strategy in December 2021, a new piece of work by the CyberUp Campaign released today considers how CMA reform will drive a whole-of-society approach to cyber resilience.

 Whilst the publication of the UK Government’s National Cyber Strategy (NCS) marked a missed opportunity to introduce much needed changes to the Computer Misuse Act 1990 (CMA), the CyberUp campaign remains optimistic that reform is imminent. That is because, as we await the outcome of the Home Office review of the CMA, so many of the ambitions set out in the NCS would be furthered by a UK cyber crime law fit for the 21st century.

In this short report we detail how a reformed CMA would help to deliver the UK Government’s aims, in support of its national goals.


The CyberUp Campaign Submits to the Government’s consultation on embedding standards in the cyber security industry


Cyber Up Campaign react to the Government’s new National Cyber Strategy